Midkemia Wiki

Jiro of the Anasati was the second son of Tecuma after Halesko and also the elder brother of Buntokapi.

He was a handsome man, but with a certain cruelty betrayed around his lips and eyes. His face resembled his mother's, with high cheekbones and a haughty mouth and square jaw. His hands were as fine as a woman's. Unlike Halesco, he was not that straightforward and thought in subtleties rooted in ambition.

He met Mara of the Acoma, their rival house, during her wedding with Buntokapi.

For 4 years he hadn't seen her again, keeping an unofficial feud since Buntokapi took his life because of Mara's machinations. While he was in Sulan-Qu for an important trade transaction he sent for Mara that he should meet her according to his father's will

Mara welcomed him with 500 warriors armored and at the ready, and an honor guard of 12 within the hall where she received Jiro to honor him. He received him as an equal so that he could not protest the fact that Tasido and his sub-officers would be standing at his back and Jiro's bodyguard the door.

After some bitter remarks, even implied slanders about Mara's lover, Jiro gave Mara his father's warning about some secret meetings of the High Council that would pose danger to their common heir, Ayaki. The Omechan were heard to compliment Desio's restraint in the face of Acoma affront and being dependent upon Minwanabi.

Mara tried to inquire whether Jiro came for a more important reason but Jiro said that he would leave soon after, without touching the fruits prepared for him, nor looking back at Mara as he climbed his litter.
